PTSA Board Members

2024-2025 School Year

Jessica Veazey


I PTSA because elementary school provides the building blocks of the fundamentals of learning and loving school. The programs and activities the PTSA provide offer kids more ways to shine, participate and feel included in their school community. By cultivating connections and building relationships the PTSA strives to bring us all together for a common goal – our kids!

Alexis Fleming


I PTSA because providing opportunities to the students and staff at Hazelwood is important to me. Creating events that bring the community together makes me happy and i love to see the students getting together and having fun.

Teaessa Chism

VP, Grants

I PTSA because I love building community and exploring funding options to support curriculum enrichment benefiting our teacher and students. I enjoy getting to know my daughters’ teachers and having an understanding of what is going on in the classroom. I have met many other parents and created a network of support through volunteering.

Inge Kaiser

Secretary & Co-VP, Communications

I PTSA to help enrich the education of all students at Hazelwood as well as be involved in my children’s elementary experience. I also love helping in classrooms and creating a sense of community among staff, teachers, parents, students and our Newcastle community.

Tanya Johnson

Co-VP, Communications

I PTSA because it’s a great opportunity to make a difference in my little corner of the world. Helping in the classroom helps me build memories with my kids and relationships with their friends and teachers. It’s also so  rewarding to be able to offer my skills to support the school and bring the community together.

Ashley Phillips

Co-VP, Programming

I PTSA because I am passionate about supporting the children in our community. I love the time I get to spend getting to know them as well as the time I get to spend planning fun and enriching activities. If I am lucky enough to be a small part of the lifelong memories they are making here, I call that a big win.

Brittany Crosser

Co-VP, Programming

PTSA fundraising provides enrichment to student learning by providing extras that aren’t possible with school budget alone. PTSA events bring students, teachers and families together to build a community increasing inclusion and belonging. PTSA drives provide for those in the community in need and make all feel cared for and accepted. PTSA helps make learning fun!

Katy Matson

Co-VP, Events & Fundraising

I PTSA so that I can be connected and engaged in our school community and my child’s education. It feels good to be a part of something the directly impacts all of the students, families, and teachers. if we bring programs and events that help make our school a place where kids get to learn AND have fun, then all of the hard work is worth it!

Christina Burmester

Co-VP, Events & Fundraising

2023-2024 PTSA Board

President: Jessica Veazey

Vice President: Brittany Crosser

Secretary & Communications: Inge Kaiser

Treasurer: Ashley Phillips

Co-VP Events & Fundraising: Katy Matson

Co-VP Events & Fundraising: Christina Burmester

2023-2024 PTSA Board

President: Alexis Fleming

Secretary: Sara Patteson

Treasurer: Lindsey Jensen

Co-VP Events & Fundraising: Jennifer Milligan

Co-VP Events & Fundraising: Jessica Veazey

VP of Communications: Erin Wolford

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